Industrial Development & Robotic Automation System
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Making Your Solution Smarter
Who are we?
IDRA Co. is a growing and dynamic company that makes solutions to the industrial automation and robotic developement system through our integration services.
Our Robotic Solutions
Robotic Welding Automation offers many features and benefits for you from increasing productivity to lower production costs ...
Robotic Cutting has been used in Laser, Plasma, Waterjet and Oxy-fuel application to cut a work piece or remove material from it ...
Robotic Material Handling can handle a wide range of packaging and palletizing products to help you to increase production rate ...
Robotic Machine Tending is used in Grinding, Stamping, Milling, Injection Molding and so on to reduse machine overhead time ...
Robotic Painting offers you some advantages for finishing and coating quality, consistency and throuput, decreasing waste material ...
Robotic Inspection provides valuable advantages over inspection such as NDT to improve safety, productivity and quality ...